1. 前台框架:Vue2.0+elementUI 2.15.7
2. 开发工具:vs code
3. 安装所需架包:
“postcss-import”: “12.0.1”,
“postcss-loader”: “4.0.1”,
“postcss-pxtorem”: “^5.1.1”,
4. 创建flexibleEx.js文件(该文件是修改flexible架包的flexible.js文件,可以根据需求自行修改),放置在所需要的随意位置,如:“/src/utils”目录下面。
import '@/utils/flexibleEx.js'
(function(win, lib) { var doc = win.document var docEl = doc.documentElement var metaEl = doc.querySelector('meta[name="viewport"]') var flexibleEl = doc.querySelector('meta[name="flexible"]') var dpr = 0 var scale = 0 var tid var flexible = lib.flexible || (lib.flexible = {}) if (metaEl) { console.warn('将根据已有的meta标签来设置缩放比例') var match = metaEl .getAttribute('content') .match(/initial\-scale=([\d\.]+)/) if (match) { scale = parseFloat(match[1]) dpr = parseInt(1 / scale) } } else if (flexibleEl) { var content = flexibleEl.getAttribute('content') if (content) { var initialDpr = content.match(/initial\-dpr=([\d\.]+)/) var maximumDpr = content.match(/maximum\-dpr=([\d\.]+)/) if (initialDpr) { dpr = parseFloat(initialDpr[1]) scale = parseFloat((1 / dpr).toFixed(2)) } if (maximumDpr) { dpr = parseFloat(maximumDpr[1]) scale = parseFloat((1 / dpr).toFixed(2)) } } } if (!dpr && !scale) { var isAndroid = win.navigator.appVersion.match(/android/gi) var isIPhone = win.navigator.appVersion.match(/iphone/gi) var devicePixelRatio = win.devicePixelRatio if (isIPhone) { // iOS下,对于2和3的屏,用2倍的方案,其余的用1倍方案 if (devicePixelRatio >= 3 && (!dpr || dpr >= 3)) { dpr = 3 } else if (devicePixelRatio >= 2 && (!dpr || dpr >= 2)) { dpr = 2 } else { dpr = 1 } } else { // 其他设备下,仍旧使用1倍的方案 dpr = 1 } scale = 1 / dpr } docEl.setAttribute('data-dpr', dpr) if (!metaEl) { metaEl = doc.createElement('meta') metaEl.setAttribute('name', 'viewport') metaEl.setAttribute( 'content', 'initial-scale=' + scale + ', maximum-scale=' + scale + ', minimum-scale=' + scale + ', user-scalable=no' ) if (docEl.firstElementChild) { docEl.firstElementChild.appendChild(metaEl) } else { var wrap = doc.createElement('div') wrap.appendChild(metaEl) doc.write(wrap.innerHTML) } } function refreshRem() { const whiteList = [ '/managementKanban', '/productionKanban', '/controlBoard', '/main' ] // 不重定向白名单路由 var width = docEl.getBoundingClientRect().width var rem = 0 var hrefList = window.location.href.split('/') var url = hrefList[hrefList.length - 1] var url0 = url.split('?') var urlEnd if (url0.length > 0) { urlEnd = url0[0] } if (!whiteList.includes('/' + urlEnd)) { if (width / dpr <= 1980 && width / dpr > 768) { width = 1980 * dpr rem = width / 48 } else if (width / dpr >= 5760) { width = 5760 * dpr rem = width / 48 } else { width = 540 * dpr rem = width / 20 } docEl.style.fontSize = rem + 'px' flexible.rem = win.rem = rem } } win.addEventListener( 'resize', function() { clearTimeout(tid) tid = setTimeout(refreshRem, 300) }, false ) win.addEventListener( 'DOMNodeInserted', function() { clearTimeout(tid) tid = setTimeout(refreshRem, 50) }, false ) win.addEventListener( 'pageshow', function(e) { if (e.persisted) { clearTimeout(tid) tid = setTimeout(refreshRem, 300) } }, false ) if (doc.readyState === 'complete') { doc.body.style.fontSize = 12 * dpr + 'px' } else { doc.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function(e) { doc.body.style.fontSize = 12 * dpr + 'px' }, false ) } refreshRem() flexible.dpr = win.dpr = dpr flexible.refreshRem = refreshRem flexible.rem2px = function(d) { var val = parseFloat(d) * this.rem if (typeof d === 'string' && d.match(/rem$/)) { val += 'px' } return val } flexible.px2rem = function(d) { var val = parseFloat(d) / this.rem if (typeof d === 'string' && d.match(/px$/)) { val += 'rem' } return val } })(window, window['lib'] || (window['lib'] = {}))
5. 修改“build/utitls.js”文件,添加代码:
function generateLoaders(loader, loaderOptions) { const loaders = options.usePostCSS ? [cssLoader] : [cssLoader]; if (loader) { loaders.push({ loader: loader + "-loader", options: Object.assign({}, loaderOptions, { sourceMap: options.sourceMap }) }); } // Extract CSS when that option is specified // (which is the case during production build) if (options.extract) { return ExtractTextPlugin.extract({ use: loaders, fallback: "vue-style-loader", publicPath: "../../" }); } else { return ["vue-style-loader"].concat(loaders); } }
6. 修改更目录下面“postcssrc.js”
module.exports = { plugins: { 'autoprefixer': { overrideBrowserslist: [ 'Android 4.1', 'iOS 7.1', 'Chrome > 31', 'ff > 31', 'ie >= 8' ] }, 'postcss-pxtorem': { rootValue: 37.5, propList: ['*'] } } }
7. 注:界面自适应问题已经解决,但是界面呈现还会出现一些问题,现在需要自行修改异常界面,界面开发尽量使用rem,样式尽量不要使用内联样式,这些都需要手动修改