let add = function(a,b){ return a + b; }; console.log(add(20,300)); const { ['log']:C } = console; C(add(20,300));
{ // Place your snippets for javascript here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and // description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are: // $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the // same ids are connected. // Example: // "Print to console": { // "prefix": "log", // "body": [ // "console.log('$1');", // "$2" // ], // "description": "Log output to console" // } }
{ // Place your snippets for javascript here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and // description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are: // $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the // same ids are connected. // Example: "Print to console": { "prefix": "cl", "body": [ "console.log('$1');", "$2" ], "description": "Log output to console" } }
到此这篇关于vscode中console.log的两种快速写法的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关vscode console.log写法内容请搜索NICE源码以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持NICE源码!